Ishika Singh

Ishika Singh

PhD student, Computer Science



I am a PhD student at USC, advised by Prof. Jesse Thomason. My research interests are across NLP and robotics; primarily around why (how) language is necessary for (can be utilized in) robot learning and embodied AI. I think that problems under Embodied AI are yet more foundational, and hold deep-rooted benefits for the society.

Previously, I was an undergrad at IIT Kanpur, where I worked on topics relating to NLP and theoretical ML with Prof. Ashutosh Modi (IIT-K), Prof. Nisheeth Srivastava (IIT-K), and Prof. Pengtao Xie ( UC San Diego). I have spent some summers interning at Adobe Research, where I also received the Adobe India WIT Scholarship 2020, and NVIDIA SRL.


  • Robot Learning
  • 3D Representation Learning
  • Embodied AI
  • Vision-Language Navigation


  • PhD, Computer Science, 2021 -

    University of Southern California, LA, CA

  • B.Tech., double major in Computer Science and Chemical Engineering, 2016 - 2021

    Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India


May, 2024 | The Colosseum is accepted to RSS 2024 and is open-source now!
Feb, 2024 | Interviewed for ProgPrompt for a Scientific American article!
Jan, 2024 | Released The Colosseum: A Benchmark for Evaluating Generalization for Robotic Manipulation.
Jan, 2024 | Selected as Finalist for the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship with Jesse Zhang!
Aug, 2023 | I will be interning again at NVIDIA SRL in Summer'24 with Valts and Animesh!!
May, 2023 | I received RAS Travel Grant to attend ICRA 2023!
May, 2023 | Self-supervised 3D representation learning is accepted to Pretraining4Robotics workshop @ ICRA 2023.
Jan, 2023 | ProgPrompt is accepted to ICRA 2023 and AuRo Journal.
Feb, 2022 | Co-organizing vision-and-dialogue TEACh TATC Challenge @ Embodied AI Workshop, CVPR'22 and CVPR'23.
Dec, 2021 | I will be interning at NVIDIA AI Robotics Research Lab, Seattle in Summer'22, advised by Valts and Animesh!
Dec, 2021 | Work on Interactive Fiction Games accepted as extended abstract at AAMAS'22. [ arXiv].
Aug, 2021 | Joined the CS PhD program at USC as a member in the GLAMOR Lab with 1 year of USC Grad Fellowship.
Sept, 2020 | Work on Affective Text Generation accepted as long paper at COLING'20. [ arXiv]
Sept, 2020 | Adobe released a blog on my internship at Adobe Research, India! [ Read here]
Jun, 2020 | Work on Differentially-private Federated Neural Architecture Search accepted at FL-ICML'20. [ arXiv]
Dec, 2019 | Received Adobe India WIT Scholarship 2020. [ Adobe’s Blog][ Getting-through-it Advice!]


The COLOSSEUM: A Benchmark for Evaluating Generalization for Robotic Manipulation

Wilbert Pumacay*, Ishika Singh*, Jiafei Duan*, Ranjay Krishna, Jesse Thomason, Dieter Fox
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024
Also at Future Roadmap for Manipulation Skills @ ICRA 2024, Embodied AI @ CVPR 2024
arXiv / website / code

ProgPrompt: Generating Situated Robot Task Plans using Large Language Models

Ishika Singh, Valts Blukis, Arsalan Mousavian, Ankit Goyal, Danfei Xu, Jonathan Tremblay, Dieter Fox, Jesse Thomason, Animesh Garg
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023
Also at LaReL @ NeurIPS 2022, LangRob @ CoRL 2022
Extended version in Autonomous Robots (AR) 2023 (Large Language Models in Robotics)
arXiv / AR journal paper / website / code / video / SciAm article

Pre-trained Language Models as Prior Knowledge for Playing Text-based Games

Ishika Singh, Gargi Singh, Ashutosh Modi
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2022 (Extended Abstracts)
arXiv / code / extended abstract

Adapting a Language Model for Controlled Affective Text Generation

Ishika Singh*, Ahsan Barkati*, Tushar Goswamy, Ashutosh Modi
International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) 2020
Also at Wordplay: When Language Meets Games @ NeurIPS 2020
arXiv / talk / code

Differentially-private Federated Neural Architecture Search

Ishika Singh*, Haoyi Zhou*, Kunlin Yang, Meng Ding, Bill Lin, Pengtao Xie
International Workshop on Federated Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality @ ICML 2020
arXiv / workshop version / code

Machine-learning techniques for augmenting electronic documents with data-verification indicators

Navita Goyal, Vipul Shankhpal, Priyanshu Gupta, Ishika Singh, Baldip Singh Bijlani, Anandhavelu Natarajan
US Patent Application 17/108,424 | Adobe | 2022


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